I love The Ethical Dairy!

I love The Ethical Dairy!
25 June 2020 Lynsey Tiplady
In Uncategorised

I wanted to share with all of you my love of the company The Ethical Dairy, and in particular their use of wool as an insulator for the biodegradable bags that they deliver their a.m.a.z.i.n.g. cheese in.

Here at Wild Wool we consider every possible way we can reduce plastic and increase our use of natural materials.

We do this when choosing what materials we use for the construction of our stalls and also in creating our own packaging. I am in constant contact with our suppliers to ask that our throws, scarves and socks come with no plastic packaging. And all of our wrappers & gift packaging is recycled. We are especially proud of our new eco business cards that are printed on card made from seaweed!

So, as a business that prioritises natural fibres and wool over synthetic, we love it when we come across others who are doing the same!

The Ethical Dairy takes things to another level, and we salute them for not prioritising profit over the planet, and choosing to care, instead of cheap synthetic packaging.

We love being inspired by others so we keep our business as natural as possible and our throws and scarves feeling and smelling amazing, like only wool can. I’d love to connect to other companies who do the same, so please tell me if you have a favourite producer or supplier that you love for all the right reasons. And please feel free to share on our page, and help our ethical community connections thrive and grow.

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